Electronics & Electrical

What is Superconductivity and Superconductor ? How does superconductivity work?

Superconductors are materials that can conduct direct current with zero resistance, when they are cooled below a specific temperature known as the critical temperature or Tc. In other words, when electric current is passed through a superconductor, it will flow without experiencing any resistance to flow of current, unlike normal conductors which will encounter resistance …

What is Superconductivity and Superconductor ? How does superconductivity work? Read More »

Why do metals conduct electricity? Learn science behind the electrical conductivity?

Metals are well known for their ability to conduct electricity and heat, but have you ever stopped to think why they conduct electricity? In this article we will explore the science behind why metals are such a very good conductors of electricity and how conductivity works? In simple words, metals conduct electricity because they have …

Why do metals conduct electricity? Learn science behind the electrical conductivity? Read More »

Semiconductor Black magic of digital world. What they are and how they work? Semiconductors Explained.

A semiconductor is a type of material that is commonly used in the construction of electronic components or devices. Semiconductors are characterized by their ability to conduct electricity under certain conditions; are crucial for the function of a wide range of technologies, including computers, smartphones, and solar panels etc. In this blog post, we will …

Semiconductor Black magic of digital world. What they are and how they work? Semiconductors Explained. Read More »